Maritime Reporter 2018/June Advertising

The undisputed maritime news authority, delivering the world’s largest maritime audience.

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Maritime Today E-News


Maritime Today is the original and most comprehensive daily maritime e-newsletter. Every business day your company’s ad will be delivered around the world to a requested newsletter subscription database of over 47,000 recipients.

Maritime Reporter E-News


The Maritime Reporter E-News brings global maritime industry news to over 22,900 recipients before the business day in the U.S. begins. It features digital links to latest issue of Maritime Reporter, as well as special publication highlights such as the most recent white papers.
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Banner Advertising Locations

Standard sizes:

Maritime Reporter E-Magazine screenshoot

Emagazine Maritime Reporter E-Magazine

These special editions will be distributed electronically to over 87,000 recipients. Premium Positions, Full and ½ page ads are available, with custom ad enhancements: Videos, Interviews, and Company Profiles.

Maritime Reporter TV

Maritime Reporter TV

With a Maritime Reporter TV interview, our editorial staff will work to develop insightful Q&A to educate and enlighten viewers about your company’s latest advances, technologies and products. Your video can appear site-wide in a native content placement and within e-newsletter sponsorships, guaranteeing maximum visibility.



Our webinar package is specifically designed to bring you a qualified audience while building your company brand awareness through the industry’s largest network of publications, websites and e-newsletters. If you are planning a product launch or want to demonstrate how a service or product could benefit the maritime market, we have the best solution to make that a success.

Content Marketing

Native Advertising

With the Maritime Network’s native advertising, your company’s story may be integrated into the editorial content on or more industry specific sites or e-newsletters. The network’s targeted audience insures that your content is being viewed by the right people. As a bonus, your story will remain in the network’s archives and will be searchable from our site and search engines.

Email Direct Marketing

If you are targeting the maritime market, our opt-in e-mail service will send your message directly to the inboxes of over 87,000 recipients in minutes. The process is simple; you select an available date and send us your email material; you can track your campaign in real-time on the custom IMPACT system.

White Paper issue

White papers

Make your company’s content visible to decision makers around the world. Special content marketing gives you the gives you the opportunity to sponsor your “white paper” hosted on the Maritime Network and distributed to our targeted email database. This powerful marketing tool allows you to bring your message directly to purchasers and buyers researching your market.

Social Media Reach

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Rate cards:

Download Printed Rate Card
Download Digital Rate Card
Download E-Mag Rate Card
Download Webinar Rate Card

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